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91 Topics 108 Posts
Automatically monitor your Internet service and provider with alerts to problems
Track Internet disconnections, provider outages with historical data, and automated speed testing.
For Windows, Linux, ARM64, ARMa7. Learn more by visiting
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  • FAQ posts are linked from therefore, in no particular order in this forum.

    31 Topics
    31 Posts

    Host / online services monitoring with a twist

    Typical host monitoring services monitor your services from one or more remote locations, alerting you to services/applications becoming unreachable. This means a test is being run from an external source to your resources.

    OutagesIO goes one step further. By installing our Windows/Linux agent directly on your host, and enabling host monitoring, you not only monitor to ensure that your services are online but also how your hosting provider is performing, ensuring reliable hosting services.

    Installing an agent on your host is not covered in this help but help is provided when you create an agent from your dashboard. If you rent a small rack for example, then you could opt for our hardware agent.


    When enabled, with ports set, OutagesIO will begin monitoring the ports you want to be alerted about if they become unreachable.
    When you disable the feature, the ports will remain but monitoring will be suspended.

    How often
    While we all must monitor anything we make available online, checking it every few seconds can waste resources. Instead, it is better to set a reasonable response time depending on the nature of our services.

    We suggest using a delay such as every half hour or every hour while using shorter delays when testing something.


    Enter here the port of the service/application that you wish to monitor.

    Select TCP or UDP depending on what you are monitoring.

    Using both unless you understand how UDP works is a waste of resources. Only those using specifically UDP ports should enable UDP.

    Note: This early version does not allow selecting UDP.

    Do you wish to be notified if this port becomes unreachable?

    This option is tied to your Notifications options. If you enable Notify, then you must also set your Notifications.

    No means you will check events in your dashboard regularly.

    When DOWN means you want to be notified.

    To clear a port and its settings from the list, simply click on the Clear button and it will be removed from your scan list when you click on Save.

    After setting each port to be monitored or clearing ports, click the Save button to keep this configuration.

  • We LOVE hearing how you are or have used OutagesIO to solve Internet issues.
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    For almost ten years, a free version of the reports were available but two things happened to eventually have to go paid only.

    First, our costs have gone up in every direction so offering the service for free is no longer sustainable. We are constantly maintaining, updating, and developing and offering the service at no cost is simply not possible anymore.
    However, we do our best to make it very low cost. If $5.95 saves you even one hour of troubleshooting in one month, it's been paid for.

    Second, we had a large base of free members but 99% of those members never interacted with us no matter how much we tried to get input and feedback.

    Not getting any feedback makes it hard to improve, fix problems, and more importantly, hard to know what we should focus on and put more effort into.

    Free services are often abused and are mostly offered by companies that have big investors behind them, willing to lose money to gain a user base. We don't have investors, we're a small company wanting to earn our keep by offering good services that people find useful.

    I hope this helps to answer your question, and we hope you'll find OutagesIO useful too.

  • About the site, services, privacy policy, informative articles.
    22 Topics
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    I'm sorry that you've not been able to do this.

    You mentioned going this route so I assume you mean sending it back so we can fix it then send it back to you?

    You can send the unit to;
    OutagesIO, 442 Miller Valley Rd, unit 12454, Prescott, AZ 86304.

    Please be sure to use the contact form on to let us know you've sent it;

    Include your shipper name, address, and the agent ID that this currently has. This will allow us to reassociate your existing data with the replacement agent so that you do not lose any historical information.

    Also, please be sure to provide us with the tracking number and return information. As soon as we receive it, we'll update it, and get it back on its way to you using priority email the next day.

  • Read only - Announcing new features and sharing some of the release notes.
    31 Topics
    41 Posts

    A new version has been released which addresses false reports of gateway outages instead of external ones in certain cases.

    Please upgrade as soon as possible.